No 21, Lorong Promenade Villa 2, Tanjung Lumpur, Kuantan
Price: RM420,000
Rental Price: RM1800
Land Size: 1464 sqft
Build Up: 2234 sqft
No Room: 4 + study room
No Bathroom: 3
2 Car Parks
Tenure: Leasehold 99 Years
Include Furniture & Aircond (all rooms)
Gated & Guarded House, Track jogging
Beside Kpj Pahang Specialist Hospital & Opposite Serambi Teruntum
Closed to Swiss Bell Hotel, Restaurant Ikan Bakar, Pasaraya Jaya Gading, TMG Mall & Petrol Station.
Lawyer and Loan Can be Arranged
Deposit yang perlu disediakan:
3.18% untuk permulaan awal sebagai tanda setuju membeli.
6.82% sewaktu selesai menandatangani perjanjian jual beli.
(Booking fully refund if loan rejected)
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